To your credit, you've decided to make physical health a priority. Consistent physical activity is known to improve mood, energy, and health in many ways. New Year's resolutions to get in shape are typically met with a great deal of enthusiasm at first. Reducing Stress Consistent physical activity has been linked to positive psychological outcomes, including reduced stress and enhanced coping mechanisms. Endorphins, a feel-good neurotransmitter, are released during physical activity, and this has been shown to boost mood. Expenditures Related to Healthcare You can increase your life expectancy and quality of life while also having a good time. If you want to lower your risk for preventable health problems, it's worth the effort it takes to join a gym, keep your membership active, and exercise consistently. Enhanced Focus and Recall Our ability to focus and remember things tends to deteriorate with age. However, lifting weights at the gym improves our mental performance. Che...