As a personal training Singapore, you should be able to demonstrate each exercise for hours on end with a decent amount of resistance. Thus, you will be able to lift, carry, show, and locate customers throughout the day with ease.
This not only hurts the client, but it also reflects poorly on you as a trainer, therefore don't let it happen. The ability to do daily exercise and routines is beneficial, but it is not a prerequisite of the position.
It is not necessary to conduct all of your personal training sessions at a gym. On land or in the water you'll need a bigger aerobic capacity and a higher oxygen demand for your workouts. If you're in good shape, you should be able to determine the pace and engage in conversation. This indicates that their anaerobic threshold is greater than that of their customers, proving that they are better trained. There would be a "speaking test" to see whether you're fulfilling your oxygen needs quickly.
There is a problem with this instruction if you are a professional athlete. In contrast, the vast majority of PT customers are neither elite nor advanced, but rather intermediate or beginner-level. The cardiovascular fitness of a Personal Trainer may be expected to be at least 30 minutes of continuous aerobic exercise at the very least. In the student logbook, the Australian Institute of Fitness only tests cardiovascular fitness for 20 minutes.
Fitness includes, but is not limited to, having a physically fit body. Clients want personal training Singapore to be physically healthy and professional role models. This is very debatable. Is it a lack of fat? muscularity? BMI? It's a little vague, to say the least. There are a lot of varied definitions of what "fit" means to different people/clients. One customer may believe that a slim physique is the greatest indicator of fitness levels, while another individual just wants a personal trainer that looks like they're ready to participate in a bodybuilding contest as a personal trainer.
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