No one can deny the fact that gym memberships are quite expensive, particularly if you happen to be on a budget. In case you want to become a member of a gym, you need to pay some fees simply for joining. You might need to make the payments either monthly or yearly. However, if you are not able to make use of your membership as often as expected, your money might be wasted in the long run. Here, we have provided some ideas on how to get a free gym membership in Singapore without any problem whatsoever.
1. Work part-time at the fitness center
It is a fact that many gyms in Singapore provide free membership to their employees. Working part-time will allow you to generate some extra revenue, and you will also be able to work out for free.
2. Trial offers
It will be possible for you to find out regarding trial offers in case you are staying in an area where there are lots of fitness centers. Many gyms provide trial offers that might range from one week to even one month. Make it a point to join different fitness centers at different types of the year so that you are able to get free memberships for several months.
3. Volunteer
This will work more with those gyms, which are owned privately as compared to the bigger franchised ones. It might be possible for you to get a free membership by providing voluntary services in several of those gyms in Singapore.
However, here we like to mention that it will be a good idea to start working out at your own residence for free.
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